The Meditative Mind
Weekly Rune Reading: 31 May 2020
Weekly Rune Reading: 17 May 2020
Healing Trauma Through Reiki
Online Distance & Remote Healing
Chakras ~ the Art of Balance
The Power of Plants ~ GERANIUM
Crystal Infusion ~ Selenite
Crystal Infusion ~ Lepidolite
Crystal Infusion ~ Rose Quartz
Crystal Infusion ~ Labradorite
Fusion Sound Healing and The Hara Line
The Hara Line is a vertical spiritual column that stretches from our Soul, down through our bodies, into Earth. This laser beam of light (some interpret as sound, vibration or frequency) connects you and enables you to remain within the human body. It is intimately connected to your integrity and ability to live in truth.
When each of the points along the Hara Line are in balance, and energetically connected to each other, people are healthy, attuned to their purpose, and activated in achieving their life tasks. When our Hara is aligned with both the Universal Will and our planet Earth, we feel grounded, energised, and respectful of both self and others. We experience synchronicity, and the sense of powerful personal purpose. However, the alignment of most people is not ideal.
Fusion Sound Healing incorporates working with the Hara Line for this very reason. Each of the points resonate to a musical note, and frequency Hz. This makes sound healing and chanting, an ideal way to optimise the health and energetic flow between the points along the line. Witnessing any blockages or misalignments during a Fusion Sound Healing session, can allow these issues to be surrendered and released. Specific crystals are incorporated and placed on the body along the line, which resonate with the frequency and note of each point.
Fusion Sound Healing incorporates many aspects into one modality. The conscious alignment and blockage release within the Hara Line through Sound Healing is recommended. A healthy flow of energy will help to keep you attuned, and support your ability to manifest your hopes, dreams and desires.
If you are unfamiliar with the Hara Line, here is a brief overview of each of the points.
Soul Star – key of G
Also known as the Individuation Point (I.D. Point), this is situated one and a half feet above the head. Considered to be the separation point, and the beginning of your incarnating earth journey. This point carries our reason to incarnate, and holds our connection to our Higher Self.
Pineal Gland – key of E
This is the seat of the Soul on the Mental level. This point enables us to harness the intelligence of our higher-self.
Higher Heart – key of C#
Here is the seat of the Soul on the Emotional level. Here is held our soul’s longings and the passions to achieve regarding our life purpose. Also referred to as the “Soul Seat” it enables us to harness the divine emotion of love, and to express this as our natural state of being.
Hara Centre – key of G#
Also known as the Lower Tan Tien, this is the seat of the Soul on a Physical level, and is located approximately two and one-half inches below the navel. This is where we connect to Earth, holding ourselves in physical manifestation. It is the Will centre – where our potential (intentions) becomes manifest, and where energy emerges as matter. When resonating healthily, this is a place of stability, strength and self-confidence.
The Earth Star – key of F
This builds the energetic bridge which connects the incarnational purpose of a soul, with the roots of the planet. It is responsible for rooting the personal and transpersonal parts of one’s soul to the Earths electromagnetic field, and is essential for the anchoring of a soul into a plane of existence.
Fusion Sound Healing incorporates many aspects into one modality. The conscious alignment and blockage release within the Hara Line through Sound Healing, is recommended. A healthy flow of energy will help to keep you attuned, and support your ability to manifest your hopes, dreams and desires.