Supporting your journey to wholeness

As a child, I was inspired by my father’s interest in alternative medicine and fascinated by my mother’s intuitive gift of ‘knowing’. It sowed the seeds for an open-minded willingness to embrace many approaches to health and wellbeing throughout my life.
The main focus of my teenage years was music and acting. It gave me a safe and creative outlet to escape the hurdles of being a highly sensitive psychic adolescent. I spent hours singing and playing the piano, performing plays and pantomimes, and delivering Singing Telegrams. I was a member of the National Youth Choir under Sir Peter Godfrey. On leaving school I trained as a piano technician, sang in pub bands, and recorded radio and TV commercials.
In my early 20s I moved abroad, seeking a new life and a new identity. I started an active exploration of physical health, which included weight-training, eating for wellness (vegan) and the study of Massage. This led into Spiritual Healing, Astrology, exploring Yoga, Past-life Regression, and various styles of meditation. I began training with healers and mystics, to develop my own capacity as an Intuitive Healer. Through this process, I began transforming some of my own challenges regarding issues with food, addiction, sexual abuse and PTSD.
I continued my involvement with music, and explored film making as a creative way of expressing the more subtle and hidden dimensions of life. On returning to New Zealand, I looked for ways to support young people find authentic growth, creative imagination and self-expression. I was a member of “The Aunties” children’s entertainment for over a decade. Later I moved into Early Childhood education, and worked alongside the Ministry of Education to certify my daughter’s playgroup. During this time, I discovered Anthroposophy, which inspired me to attain a Bachelor of Education.
The challenge of being in full-time study and a single mom, put a spotlight on the consequences of ongoing sleep deprivation, and fear-based expectations. Becoming a teacher raised my awareness to the pain and discomfort we experience, when ignoring our hearts true calling, and instead choosing a ‘socially acceptable’ life-path.
Subsequently, my self-creation journey returned me to holistic health, through the pathway of Usui Reiki. I have continued to expand my knowledge with further studies in Sound Healing and Toning, Indian Head Massage, Crystal Healing, Access Bars®, Energy Space Clearing, EFT, Forensic Healing, and various forms of meditation. My psychic-medium-clairvoyance training and development is ongoing. By utilizing the knowledge and understandings gained through my own inner journey of transformation, I can offer you a unique, inspiring and compassionate perspective, to draw from.
When you start to craft a genuine way of being – with trust and expert support – you become empowered to achieve and maintain your own optimum health and inner well-being, on all levels. The key to transformation is found in authentic sustainable self-awareness. This is the cornerstone on which I build my practice.
Reiki Master practitioner – Usui Shiki Ryoho
Level 2 Crystology
Melody Crystal Healing
Indian Head Massage
Swedish Massage Certification
Essex School of Manipulative Therapy
Access Bars
European Healing Centre NZ
The Silva Method
Level 4
Bachelor of Education
AUT – Auckland New Zealand
BTEC Music & Multi-Media
Leeds, United Kingdom
City and Guilds Diploma
North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
EFT Practitioner