The Meditative Mind
Weekly Rune Reading: 31 May 2020
Weekly Rune Reading: 17 May 2020
Healing Trauma Through Reiki
Online Distance & Remote Healing
Chakras ~ the Art of Balance
The Power of Plants ~ GERANIUM
Crystal Infusion ~ Selenite
Crystal Infusion ~ Lepidolite
Crystal Infusion ~ Rose Quartz
Crystal Infusion ~ Labradorite
A Time of Nurturance
Cancer (June 20 ~ July 22)
Winter Solstice – in the Southern Hemisphere – marks the beginning of the sun’s transit through the sign of Cancer. At this time, we are touched by the accompanying energies of the Solstice, which encourage reflection and integration.
The Cancerian Crab is the mothering, nurturing cardinal (active) water (emotion) sign in the Zodiac. It is associated with emotional bonding, the Moon, Neptune, Gaia and the Divine Mother. The urge is towards connection to family and community, and the reconnection with our roots (ancestral and spiritual). This half year marker, is a time of nurturance, assimilation, and a call to deepen our innate sense of belonging.
Cancer’s esoteric keynote is “I build a lighted house, and there indwell.” This refers to the sacred marriage of Matter and Spirit. This encourages us to find within ourselves, a safe haven for our own birth and rebirth; the renewal of our inner Self. It is a powerful time, and here in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the perfect winter weather for nurturing introspection.
There are many beautiful birthstone crystals associated with the Cancerian energy. Two of my favourites are:
Moonstone soothes the watery emotions, eases stress and brings calmness. It is associated with the Inner Goddess and the Divine Mother. This feminine energy brings growth, strength and support for new beginnings – big or small.
Blue Chalcedony is the nurturing stone of benevolence, generosity and goodwill. Those who wear this stone, are aided in bringing more focus towards their inner life of spiritual expression. Chalcedony supports spiritual reflection without the loss of external objectivity or sense of stability, in the outer world.
Both crystals offer great support. Hold them during meditation, carry them in your pocket (or pop one in your bra). I love to keep them under my pillow, to work with as I sleep.
Astrological Crystal Healing
The astrological Crystal Healing Array for the month of Cancer, is aptly named ‘Nurturance’. It is the perfect gift for all people born under the sign of the Crab.
When you book an Astrological Crystal Healing, you have the option of using your own Sun sign array, or the array of the constellation month. In either choice, we draw information from your natal birth chart, the current transiting aspects, and the resulting energetic signature created. In this way, you can gain insight and clarity to events currently unfolding in your life.
The Cancerian Crystal Array, carries the feminine healing energy of nurturing empathy, and encourages emotional intelligence, which has many benefits for everyone, not just those ruled by the constellation of Cancer. This includes people who:
- have challenging relationships with their parents or children
- are single
- have been struggling with loneliness or depression
- are feeling disconnected from this planet, and feel like they don’t belong here
- work long hours with little spare time to relax
- are overwhelmed, isolated or unsupported in their current situation
The Cancerian Array works to support the clarification of your current perspectives. It nourishes your innate skills of mental and emotional adaptability. Through the fostering of your own distinctive strengths, even a single session, can extend the awareness of your true potential.
It feels like a great big cosmic hug, from your own Divine Mother. And everyone deserves that.